APTAC Spring Training Conference 2020

Date(s) - 03/11/20
8:00 am - 9:30 am

Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile

The Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC) is hosting its annual Spring Training Conference where over 300 APTAC professionals can network with industry experts and attend training sessions on all things government contracting. At this conference, Courtney Fairchild, President and CEO of Global Services, will lead a session on GSA MAS Post-Award Compliance.

GSA Schedule Post‐Award Compliance
Speaker: Courtney Fairchild, President & CEO, Global Services
Time: 8:00 am – 9:30 am
Room: TBD

About the Session

It is hard enough for companies to obtain a GSA Schedule contract award.  Once awarded it is easy to ignore the contract compliance, relevant regulations, reporting, and rules. In this session Courtney Fairchild will provide an in-depth review of compliance issues, reporting requirements, modifications, and overall contract administration as it relates to all GSA Schedule contracts.

In this session PTAC counselors will learn the must knows of GSA Schedule contract compliance.  This session is designed to provide attendees with all the knowledge of all the tools necessary to successfully maintain a GSA Schedule and to understand all contractual obligations that their clients will face.

About the Speaker

Courtney Fairchild is the co-founder, President and CEO of Global Services. She has been a proud Washington DC business owner and passionate supporter small businesses. With more than 20 years in the arena of federal proposals & GSA Schedules, her leadership of Global Services has empowered companies with over 2,500 contract awards in excess of $20 billion in value.

Global Services’ tested processes and methodologies help craft and develop a winning proposal for any contract or even train internal proposal staff to be more proposal proficient. Whether a company needs assistance with a GSA Schedule or another federal proposal, Global Services has mastered how to make the proposal process understandable, approachable, and practical for every business. Ms. Fairchild holds a bachelor’s degree in Economics and English from Georgetown University.

For more detailed information about this conference, please click here.

*Registration for this event is exclusive to APTAC professionals.